Constantin Vaillant-Tenzer - about

I am a normalien graduate student and a Master 2 student in Cognitive Sciences at the Ecole normale supérieure, Université Paris Cité and the EHESS. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in mathematics from the Sorbonne and have studied deep learning extensively at the ENS. I am currently working with Prof. Etienne Koechlin on a statistical physics approach of exploitation-exploration dilemma in human adaptive behavior.
Outside of academia, my main hobbies are playing the piano and violin (and sometimes the trumpet) and composing. I ride horses every week and I am always down for a swing at the Caveau de la Huchette or a waltz ball!

This website aims to share my research work, but also my musical and literary creations.

The header picture represents one of my favorite place, the Cour aux Ernest, the main courtyard of the Ecole Normale, a place for stimulating spontaneous encounters

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Email constantin[dot]tenzer[at]ens[dot]fr

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