Guillaume Bertholon

PhD Student in Computer Science


An AST for representing programs with invariants and proofs
Guillaume Bertholon and Arthur Charguéraud
JFLA 2023: Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs

Deductive verification enables one to check that a program satisfies its specification. There are mainly two approaches: either the user provides invariants in the form of annotations and use a tool to extract proof obligations, like in, e.g., Why3; or the user verifies the program through interactive proofs, like in, e.g., CFML, by providing invariants during the proof steps.

We are interested in expressing in Coq the representation of a program, accompanied with not only its invariants but also its proof terms. Concretely, we present an AST for representing source code and specification in a deep embedding style, and embedded lemmas in shallow embedding style. Such lemmas can be established using the full capabilities of the prover.

We develop a way to build these ASTs from source code using CFML-style interactive tactics. We also develop a way to build these ASTs by extracting proof obligations from source code already annotated with its invariants. Besides, we provide a way to validate our ASTs by reifying them as Coq proof terms.

This work is a first step towards a long term project to devise a trustworthy, userguided, source-to-source optimization framework. On the one hand, we may need to exploit invariants to justify the correctness of code transformations. On the other hand, to be able to chain transformations, we also need every transformation to update the program annotations.

Towards seamless interfacing between dynamic languages and native code
Guillaume Bertholon and Stephen Kell
VMIL 2019: Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages

Existing approaches to interfacing high- and low-level code push considerable burdens onto the programmer, such as wrapper maintenance, explicit code generation, interface re-declaration, and/or signalling to garbage collectors. We note that run-time information on data layout and allocations in native code is available, and may be extended with knowledge of object lifetimes to assist in automating garbage collection. We describe work in progress towards an extension of the CPython virtual machine along these lines. We report initial experience building a first working prototype, and some early performance experiments.

Primitive Floats in Coq
Guillaume Bertholon, Érik Martin-Dorel and Pierre Roux
ITP 2019: International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving

Some mathematical proofs involve intensive computations, for instance: the four-color theorem, Hales’ theorem on sphere packing (formerly known as the Kepler conjecture) or interval arithmetic. For numerical computations, floating-point arithmetic enjoys widespread usage thanks to its efficiency, despite the introduction of rounding errors.

Formal guarantees can be obtained on floating-point algorithms based on the IEEE 754 standard, which precisely specifies floating-point arithmetic and its rounding modes, and a proof assistant such as Coq, that enjoys efficient computation capabilities. Coq offers machine integers, however floating-point arithmetic still needed to be emulated using these integers.

A modified version of Coq is presented that enables using the machine floating-point operators. The main obstacles to such an implementation and its soundness are discussed. Benchmarks show potential performance gains of two orders of magnitude